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Becoming, Became, I Am What I Am 

Group Exhibition of Mixed Media Work, inspired by the Lee Krasner retrospective Living Color.

Contributing artists exhibited installations, paintings, collages, performance art, video art, and photography.

The exhibit and corresponding publication was presented at University if the Arts London- Central Saint Martens in Summer 2019.

The curators and artists of this exhibition include:

Katherine Sharpless, Bonnie Lee, Trisha Lim, Adriana Cagigas,  Miriam Levit, Yixuan Zhang, Jia Yang Kwok, Yilin Wang, Michelle Salgado, Jingyi Zhan, Marina Sanchez, Zhenhuan Zhang, Nianyu Chen, Fuxi Wang, Haley Kroll, Yue Peng, Jingyi Wu, Xihui Wen, Jingian Wei, Zilin Deng, and Sharon Feinstein.

Special Thanks to Sol Polo Guardia and Alexine Rodenhuis

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